A Little About Us

Circle of Hope, Pathway to Strengthening Families, Inc. is faith based. This organization will be outlined through workshops and activities with multiple structured curriculums that the entire family will enjoy. The workshops at Circle of Hope, Pathway to Strengthening Families, Inc. will provide a full course dinner each week at the start of the program. After the meal, each family will break-out into workshops and or activities, working together to build skills for problem solving, time management and effective communication. Circle of Hope, Pathway to Strengthening Families, Inc. workshops and activities will service families with children from ages 2-17. Families with children under the age of 2, will qualify for on-site child care. We welcome parents who co-parent from different households. The workshops and activities will vary depending on the structure of the family. Families will participate 1 day a week for 7 weeks. Upon completion of the workshop, families will be awarded a certificate.

Our Mission

To empower families by enhancing parent and child development, engaging families to practice new skills to develop stronger bonds, promote effective communication skills and effective use of problem solving skills.

Our Purpose

This faith based non-profit organization will serve the purpose for families in our communities to have the opportunity to be successful in skill building that will assist them to make a difference in society.


Our Vision

To create an educational environment that promotes healthy families in our community, inspiring hope and encouraging success.


Why ~ We desire to provide families with hope to ensure they have everything needed to understand their purpose in their community.


How ~ By creating developmental workshops and activities to enhance skills and proper ways to communicate effectively. We will accept referrals from school social workers, courts, Department of Social Services, hospitals and churches. 


Our families will be assisted with various ways to enhance effective communication in their individual homes by gaining new skills in parenting and child social skills. 

Expected Results:

·         Increase Positive Parenting

·         Increase Parental Supervision

·         Increase Parental Involvement

·         Increase Child Social Skills

·         Increase Family Cohesion

·         Increase Family Organization and Order

·         Increase Family Communication Skills

·         Increase Overall Family Strengths & Resilience

·         Decrease Parental and Child Depression

·         Decrease Parental Substance Abuse or Misuse

·         Reduce Family Conflict